Cover Image for Why I don't like code coverage
- 5 min read

Why I don't like code coverage

Code coverage is a tool widely used to understand if we wrote enough tests. But is it really the best tool to give us the confidence we need?

Cover Image for Making the most out of GitHub Copilot
- 5 min read

Making the most out of GitHub Copilot

Are you using Copilot just as a code completion tool? If so, you're missing out on a lot of its potential.

Cover Image for A tip for an amazing code review
- 3 min read

A tip for an amazing code review

As engineers, we review code on a daily basis. The code review process is something we're used to, but maybe we're underestimating the value it gives us?

Cover Image for Curated list for Google I/O 2022 - Web
- 1 min read

Curated list for Google I/O 2022 - Web

A list of talks from Google I/O 2022 relevant for web

Cover Image for To unit, or not to unit? That is the question
- 3 min read

To unit, or not to unit? That is the question

The way our software is used can infer which type of tests we should write, let's discuss it.

Cover Image for How to use Emojis as Favicons
- 2 min read

How to use Emojis as Favicons

If you wanted to use an Emoji as a favicon but wasn’t sure how to do it or if it’s supported, then here are all the details you need to know.

Cover Image for Caring as a Service (CaaS)
- 4 min read

Caring as a Service (CaaS)

Some people tend to think that our work as Software Engineers is all about coding. I can’t disagree more.

Cover Image for Why you should stop using the “container / presentational” pattern in Redux
- 6 min read

Why you should stop using the “container / presentational” pattern in Redux

The redux style guide has an important rule: “Connect More Components to Read Data from the Store”. This rule has some important performance aspects that are covered with an example in this post.

Cover Image for Introducing: The Async Cookie Store API
- 5 min read

Introducing: The Async Cookie Store API

The Cookie Store API is a new browser API built to expose cookies to service worker and offer an asynchronous alternative to document.cookie. It’s available in Chrome Browser starting from version 87.

Cover Image for The hidden magic of Main Thread Scheduling
- 10 min read

The hidden magic of Main Thread Scheduling

Scheduling is a mechanism introduced lately by the React team to manage and prioritise tasks in the browser. It has become a case study for Google Chrome Dev team, to create a “Main Thread Scheduling” API.

Cover Image for Custom rendering in React Testing Library Done Right
- 3 min read

Custom rendering in React Testing Library Done Right

A quick explanation on creating a custom rendering function in RTL

Cover Image for Wait, you’re not using <React.StrictMode>?!
- 8 min read

Wait, you’re not using <React.StrictMode>?!

StrictMode is a feature added in version 16.3 and aimed to help us in finding potential problems in an application, at the moment especially for Concurrent-Mode which is React’s ability to concurrently render, suspend, and resume rendering trees in the background while remaining interactive.

Cover Image for React defaultProps is dying, who’s the contender?
- 7 min read

React defaultProps is dying, who’s the contender?

React as we all know it, is changing. As a frontend developer with React experience for the past 3 years, selling me these changes was quite hard.

Cover Image for Five Signs of an Undervalued Software Developer
- 6 min read

Five Signs of an Undervalued Software Developer

After an interview session with a candidate, I came to an epiphany, I’m doing this all wrong.

Cover Image for Exploring the wilderness: What’s new in ES2018 and planned for ES2019
- 8 min read

Exploring the wilderness: What’s new in ES2018 and planned for ES2019

An overview of the new features of ES2018-2019

Cover Image for You don’t really need this package!
- 6 min read

You don’t really need this package!

Yesterday I had a nightmare about a problem I bumped into while coding my new project. While searching for a solution, I couldn’t find a package that could help me. I woke up all sweaty, breathing heavily with tears.